Administrative back-office
Fireworks Security and Data Privacy info
Please download the PDF containing all of the information on how we protect your data and comply with the most acceptable informaion security standards in the industry.
Expanding the Text Box in the Admin Side
shift+F2 will expand any field in the backoffice
Updating the Permit List
Updating the Permit List Objectives: 1. Update the Permit list for Inspections/Pre-plans modules. To update the permit list, we will need to access the admin back office. Once we have made it to that side, we need to understand which module we would ...
Unlocking Account via Text Message Setup
You can download the PDF instructions by clicking on the attachments below.
Adding a street in the Admin Side
Go to Management, address settings, streets. In follow-up street, select the city the street is in. Then at the bottom of the street list, add the street information. The full street information will be displayed. This is how it will be displayed in ...
Modifying and Create mailing Lists
You are able to modify and create a new mailing list within the desktop app. Management---General---Mailing list. If you double click on the mailing list name, you will go into the names of the mailing lists. You can easily modify your current names, ...