System Admin Training For Initial Set-up

System Admin Training For Initial Set-up

Back-Office System/Management Tab: Section and Field Overview

The Administrative Back Office: Management Tab is the location for setting overall function of the software within the system.  

Anywhere you see dotted lines "-----" around a box means you can double click and go into more details of that specific spot.

The following table is a list of all sections and tables in the Management Tab of the Back Office.

Department Section
  1. External Scheduling (If applicable)
  2. Stations
  3. Station Groups
  4. Apparatus
  5. Apparatus Groups
  6. Department Definitions
Address Section
  1. Boxes
  2. Fire Districts
  3. Zones
  4. Neighborhoods
  5. Streets
  6. Cities
  7. Census Tracts
  8. Zip codes
Daily Journal
  1. Messages
  2. Daily Journal Subjects
Staff Settings
  1. Users and Permissions
  2. User Profiles
  3. Groups
  4. Medical Conditions
  5. Trades
  6. Ranks
  7. Employment Status
  8. Payroll Types
  9. Follow up Payroll Profiles
  10. Staff Custom Fields
  11. Staff History Types
  12. Driving License Types

  1. Apparatus Manufactures
  2. Equipment Manufactures
  3. Companies
  4. Fire Alarm

  1. Mailing List
  2. Document Topics
  3. Letter Templates
  4. Custom Report Footers
  5. Training Custom Validation Rules
  6. Apparatus Specifications

System Log
Calendar Tasks

Department Settings

External Scheduling (If Applicable)
  1. Ability to show data that will be imported into Fireworks from 3rd party scheduling system.
  1. List of all stations to include Latitude/Longitude
Station Groups
  1. Ability to group stations by district or battalion.

  1. List of all apparatuses including station assigned, apparatus type, Specifications.
  2. Double Clicking on the apparatus ID box to go into more details on each apparatus.
  3. In the apparatus details section, you will be able to put specifications about the apparatus

Apparatus Groups
  1. Ability to group Apparatus types

Department Definitions
  1. Ability to put department demographics
  2. Preplan Frequency
  3. PM Frequency
  4. Department Characteristics
  5. AFG Grant percentage breakdown
  6. Services Provided
  7. NFIRS Department Configuration
  8. Parameters for Reports

Department Configuration

  1. allows administrators with access to the Management tab the ability to set default department parameters for all modules. This unified screen consolidates many of the parameters that were used to be controlled on the Fireworks end. This guide describes each parameter and the available options for configuration.

For more in depth look at the department configuration settings please use the link below.

Click here for an instructional video!

Address Settings

Data entered in this section will populate in the Incident, Pre Plan, Inspection, Hydrants, and ePCR modules.

All these tables are available for the department to use if they choose too. If a table is not needed they can be left blank.
  1. Boxes
  2. Fire Districts
  3. Zones
  4. Neighborhoods
  5. Streets
  6. Cities
  7. Census Tracts
  8. Zip Codes

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Daily Journal

  1. Ability to view all messages found in the Daily Journal from the Dashboard module.

Daily Journal Subjects
  1. Ability to create subjects for the messages in Daily Journal

Click here for an instructional video!

Staff Settings

Users and Permissions
  1. Click “New” to add a new staff member to the system.
  2. Will be prompted to enter the following information about the person:
    1. Email
    2. First name
    3. Middle name
    4. Last name
    5. External ID (For Scheduling

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Personal and Contact Information
  1. Fill out the associated information for address (Yellow Box)
  2. Fill out the contact information including emergency contact details (Red Box)
  3. Incident Alerts/Password Reset information
  4. Entering in the phone number, carrier, and send text SMS will allow the staff member to receive a text message with the preplan and incident information once the call enters the system. Once the link is clicked, they will be prompted to enter their credentials and the call report will be opened in “Response Mode.” (Orange Box)
  • Filling this information out will also allow the person to reset their password if they forget it.

  • Click here for an instructional video!

    User Details
    1. Ensure that email is filled out for each person. (Red Box) This is the email they will use to log into the system.
    1. Fill out the following information that applies to the specific person such as station, shift, internal department ID number, title, rank, driver's license number and expiration date, trade, employment status. This is how the system knows the difference between a person being career or volunteer. Assignment date can be used for a promotional date. You also have to ability to change their password at a certain date. Recruit date is the date that the person entered the department, and the separation date is when the person left the department. People can also upload a digital signature that can be used.

    Click here for an instructional video!

    1. Permissions can be added by adding the user profile that has been created or individually for each user.
    2. If a profile is assigned as admins, ensure that the “Admin App Access” is checked. This will give the profile access to enter the ‘back-office admin system.” ( Red Box)
    3. From here, you can change and update each module in the system giving or limiting rights that a person assigned to this profile will have. IE Incidents a person can be “no authorization,” “read only,” “data update,” or “update and reopen.” These options are the same throughout each module.
      1. No Authorization- User will not see that module.
      2. Read Only- User can view the module, but not make any updates.
      3. Data Update- User can Update Information.
      4. Update and Reopen- User can update information and re-open closed items
    Follow this KB Article for more in depth permission explanation:

    1. In the additional modules section (Red Box), once a training profile is created, you also can double click on the box to open more permissions within each profile for more customization with rights within the training system (Orange Box)
    1.   (Blue Box) This is the page where you can select certain permissions for a user in training. 

    Click here for an instructional video!

    Web Settings
    1. Have to ability to choose what the start default page will be for the profile that you have created
    2. This can also be done for the inventory and maintenance page as well
    3. Default filters can also be customized per module within the system
    4. Default, by user, by station/shift, by apparatus, by apparatus/shift and by all
    5. Inventory and Maintenance can also be filtered by "default, my station, and all"

    Click here for an instructional video!

    Medical Info
    1. From here the user can add or update medical information and any medical conditions

    Click here for instructional video!


    1.  Here personnel history can be tracked. Begin with start date and history type and rank designation. Both history type and rank designation can be added by double clicking on the box.
    2.  The user will then be prompted to add and create a list.
    3. Quantity and remarks can be added as needed for the history type if applicable.

    Click here for an instructional video!

    ISO status

     Ensure that each staff member has their ISO status field out.

    Note: For Louisiana departments, there is a section in the knowledge base on how to fill this section out for PIAL. (Click here for PIAL Document

    Click here for an instructional video!


    Ability for the department to setup pay per call on a set price or a hourly price. You can set payroll types and assign them to the user in the system, Payroll will show up in the incident module and the training module.

    Custom Fields
    1.       Ability to create custom fields related to users

    Click here for an instructional video!

    ·         User Profiles

    o   Click new to create a new user profile within the system (Red Box)

    o   Once Profile is created you can select from the list by doubling on the profile name. (Blue Box)

    o   If a profile is assigned as admins, ensure that the “Admin App Access” is checked. This will give the profile access to enter the ‘back-office admin system.”

    o   From here, you can change and update each module in the system giving or limiting rights that a person assigned to this profile will have. IE Incidents a person can be “no authorization,” “read only,” “data update,” or “update and reopen.” These options are the same throughout each module. Walk the client through this and show how to update each section.

    o   In the training section, once a training profile is created, you also can double click on the box to open more permissions within each profile for more customization with rights within the training system.

    o   Web Settings

    §  Have to ability to choose what the start default page will be for the profile that you have created.

    §  This can also be done for the inventory and maintenance page as well.

    §  Default filters can also be customized per module within the system.

    ·         Default, by user, by station/shift, by apparatus, by apparatus/shift and by all.

    §  Inventory and Maintenance can also be filtered by “default, my station, and all.”

    If any changes are made after the profile is assigned to people, ensure that the “Update Relevant Users” button is clicked. This will send out the changes to the profile to the associated people. 

    Click here for an instructional video!


             Apparatus Manufactures

      Ability to track apparatus manufactures

            Equipment Manufactures

      Ability to track equipment manufactures


      Ability to track companies related to fire alarm, hood, standpipe. These companies can show up in the inspections module under the is company section.

             Fire Alarm

                       Ability to track Fire alarm companies

    Click here for an instructional video!


    ·         Mailing List

       Ability to create email groups within the system. Will be able to create multiple email groups and add multiple people to those groups. Groups can be defaulted to certain modules in the system.

    ·         Document Topics

       Ability to create categories for scanned documents in the system to store these documents within fireworks.

    ·         Letter Templates

      Ability to create templates throughout the system.

    ·         Custom Report Footers

      Ability to create a custom footer for the pre-built out reports in fireworks throughout different modules

    ·         Custom Training Validation Rules

      Complex validation rules for Training/LMS module

    ·         Apparatus Specifications

                    Custom field for apparatus. 

    Click here for an instructional video!

    System Log
    System log allows you the ability to track a change or entry into the Fireworks database. You can search by action type, date range, or by user

    Click here for an instructional video!

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