Preplan Overview

Preplan Overview

Preplan Overview

Be able to navigate to the Pre-Plan Tab and view the drop-down information for a Pre-Plan:
In your browser, type The Fireworks Mobile homepage will appear.
Enter Email Address.
Enter Password.
Click Sign In.
 Click on the Pre-Plan Tab on the Top tab Menu.
 The “Google” map icon in the top left of the screen next to the words Pre Plan Surveys, when clicked, will take you to a google map with all displayed surveys plotted.
 To the left of the Property Description is a map icon. Clicking on the icon brings up a map view of the property.
 There is also a checkmark to the left of the Pre-Plan survey which lets you know if that survey has been completed or not.

Preplan Layout

The main preplan page shows the following information. 
  1.  Survey#
  2.  Last Pre-Plan Date
  3.  Inspector
  4.  Alias
  5.  Address
  6.  Status
  7.  Property ID
  8.  Zone
  9.  Occupancy type
  10.  View on Map

Click here for an instructional video!

 By default, the results shown are the incomplete surveys assigned to the user who signed in with due dates up to the end of the current year. (If the department assigns surveys by station/shift, the default results will display inspections assigned to the user’s defined station/shift).
 Here are the following search options:
  1.  Due Date/ Last Visit Date of Inspection
  2.  Due Date: All, This Week, This Month, This Year, Until This Year, By Date
  3.  User/ Station/Shift
  4.  Property Description
  5.  Complex
  6.  Status: Not Complete, Include Complete (Both complete and Not Complete), Complete, In Progress

Click here for an instructional video!

Completing the Preplan

 Click on a Property Icon to access the preplan.
 Parts of Pre-Plan
  1.  Pre-Plan Details – This section contains all the Fields of the Pre-Plan Survey. These fields consist of two types;
    1.  Fixed – Those that are built into the system and cannot be changed.
    2.  Dynamic – Those that can be changed to fit the end-users needs.
  2.  Tactical Summary – It gives you a basic overview of pertinent details about the property in a single location. These details can be modified to fit your department's needs.
    1.  Property Info-
    2.  Map View- Overhead and street view of the property. Ability to add markers of important fire suppression and rescue aids, as well as ruler tool to measure distances and building perimeter. Needed Fire Flow (NFF) is automatically calculated with perimeter (Area X Involvement (in percent) / 3).
    3.  Property Details: Information about the specific property;
    4.  Business Name and Address
    5.  Property type, Status, Square Footage, Number of stories
    6.  District, Box, Zone
    7.  Contact Info: Contact info for a property. If the property is part of a complex, the complex contact info can be edited as well.
    8.  Contact 1 and 2 – Primary and Secondary contacts for the property.
    9.  Business or Property Owner – Owner of the property
    10.  Complex Owner -If the property is part of a complex, the owner of the complex.
    11.  Complex Contact: Contact for the Complex
  1. Risk Assessment: Contains the fields for the OVAP risk assessment tool. It can be completed using the tool or you can manually rate the risk for the property
  2. Markers: List of markers that were placed in Map View.
  3. Attachments: Area to attach files, drawings, pictures, etc.
  4. Permits: List of permits that have been issued for this property.

  1.  Inspections: List of code compliance inspections that have been completed (depending on your access you may not be able to open the actual inspection)
  2.  Incidents: List of previous incidents that have occurred at this property.

  1. Custom – These are dynamic fields that can be built and customized to fit the end-users needs; The basic list of Dynamic fields includes the following:
    1. General: General remarks
    2. Access: Information pertaining to access to the property.
    3.  Fire Protection: Basic fire protection equipment installed on the property.
    4.  Exposure: Exposure hazards surrounding the protected Property
    5.  Chemical/Hazards: List of chemicals stored on-site and their quantities.
    6.  Storage Tanks: List of storage tanks and the storage amounts of those tanks on site

  1. Remarks- Place to put notes for the preplan that is not a violation.
  2. Signature- Place to document signature for preplan.
  3. Email this Report - Here you choose which recipients will receive the survey report.
  4. Next Pre-Plan- Date to schedule next survey of the property. The next survey can be assigned at this point by choosing the staff member/station/shift you wish the survey to be assigned to. The default due date is one years from the current date.

Emailing the Preplan report

Be able to understand how to email Pre-Plan information: Objective 4
• Email Report – Here you choose which recipients will receive the survey report. To send an email to multiple recipients, the field should be filled as so:;; Additionally, the email can be sent to a staff member (From List) or to a predefined list (Mailing List). The report can be sent with the map and attachments if desired.

Click here for an instructional video!

Map View Features

Be able to understand how to Open and View Properties in the Map View tab: Objective 5
• Map View- Overhead and street view of the property. Ability to add markers of important fire suppression and rescue needs, as well as ruler tool to measure distances and building perimeter. Needed Fire Flow (NFF) is automatically calculated with perimeter (Area X Involvement (in percent) / 3
  1.  Hydrant- Adds new hydrant to the system.
  2.  Markers- List of markers you can add to the map
  3.  DOT Placard- Choose marker form list. Click on a location on the map to add.
  4.  NFPA 170- List of markers you can add to the map
  5.  NAPSG- list of markers you can add to the map
  6.  Measure Property- When checked, click on corners of the property to create a perimeter.
  7.  Perimeter; can be changed by dragging corners. Double click to delete corners.
  8.  Property Image- Capture a picture of the property from overhead.
  9.  Text Box- Free text in a textbox that is added into the map
  10.  Polygon- Ability to single out individual buildings inside a strip mall or multi occupied structure by area.  
  11.  Needed Fire Flow - This is calculated by using the ruler under the add button to draw the perimeter of the building (Yellow dashed line).

  1.  To view property details, click on the property icon:
  2.  This displays basic property information, including the Property Number, Property Description, address, alias, survey number, next pre-plan due date, and next inspection due date.
Click here for an instructional video!

Adding Property from Map-View

  1.  To add a new property, check “Add property”. Then click on the place on the map where you want to add the new property. A text box will open up to add the properties' description.
  2.  After the property has been added, uncheck the “Add property” box.
  3.  Properties by RA – This button displays the properties on the map color-coded to the Risk Assessment and OVAP scores (if this Tab has been Completed)

Click here for an instructional video!

Adding Property from Property List

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