EPR FireWorks Incident reporting module is a place where you can document your NFIRS 5.0 specific reports. In this section, you will learn how to customize your NFIRS 5.0 reports to be department specific and meet your needs from a documentation point of view. As an example, you can do the following within your EPR FireWorks System:
Customize NFIRS Lists
Set field requirements and system rules
Manage your mutual/automatic aid agencies and apparatuses
Create plus one codes per incident type
Custom fields and special studies
Add custom links to your response module
For each and every incident that you encounter, we have a way to track and document all of the NFIRS requirements to ensure a complete and compliant report with no errors when reporting to the state or federal system. As you and your staff begin filling out reports, sometimes you may find yourself wondering what is the right answer to a complicated NFIRS field. Here is a few help tools that can make the reporting process as simple as possible:
Note: Before your department begins uses your EPR FireWorks system for NFIRS Incident Reporting, ensure with your Project Manager has received your NFIRS migration files, personnel files, and apparatus specifications. If using a CAD or Active 911 integration, ensure that you have discussed the integration process with your Project Manger and provided them with any necessary documentation and contact information.
Accessing the Incident Module and searching for Fire Incidents, and opening historic incidents
By default, the results shown are for all incidents in the last 24 hours.
Filters can be changed to display different data based on what you are attempting to find; the following is a list of the basic filters, but there are more options within the Advanced Search Table.
Clicking on an "X" beside any filter will remove it.
If you have saved filter in the Advanced filter section, you can quickly access them under "Saved filters".
Click here for an instructional video!
Understanding the field information for Fire Incidents Tab
CAD #: This is the number assigned by the CAD system; typically, your department incident number.
Incident #: This is an internal and unique number assigned by fireworks for the incident.
Address: Takes the user to Incident Map Preview
Incident Type: This is the number value for the NFIRS Incident Type fields (ex. 321-Medical call, or 111-Structure Fire)
Station/Shift: The station and shift that responded that was on duty and responded to the incident
Date (Current sort order; newest to oldest): The Date the incident occurred on
Time: The Time the incident occurred on
Go to:
ePCR: Takes you to the add/open patient page.
Fire Alarm: Opens the fire alarm report.
Investigation: Opens the investigations module
Status: The current status of the report; Draft, complete, or approved.
Legend: The legend shows a breakdown of the color code for the draft, complete, reopened, approved, and no data.
Click here for an instructional video!
In the top right corner is the New Incident button which will create a new incident.
Incidents can be created in two different ways:
The first is by CAD push.
If EPR FireWorks has been tied into your CAD system, then your new incidents will be created automatically for you and will appear at the top of the incident list by default.
The second is manually.
By clicking on the New Incident button, a new incident report will be opened.
Address (Goes to “Response Mode”):
Clicking the address, will open the “Response Mode” tab in the incident.
This will open a new section associated with the incident that will give the responders information about the area or property that they are responding to.
In Response mode you will have access to the following sections.
Legend: tells you what the icons are.
Layers: show how you can add or take off layers on the map.
Caller info: shows the caller’s information such as name and phone number. This is also where you can see CAD notes if you have a CAD provider.
Temporary ruler: show how you can use this to see the distance from certain building to hydrants on the map.
Radius: Allows the user to draw an evacuation zone
Waze and Google: features for mapping a route to the incident.
ESRI: Switches the map to a view of your ESRI data and layers.
If you wish to connect to your county or city ESRI GIS REST service, please reach out to your Project Manager.
Response info: shows the times of the incident as well as a running event timer to show the elapsed time since the incident began.
Apparatus info: shows incoming units, times, and personnel associated with that apparatus if it has been completed. This only works if they have a CAD provider.
Nearest properties: shows the nearest properties close to your incident and allows you to click on the name to show the preplan property information.
Weather: shows the weather forecast for the area.
Response mode links: can add additional external links
street view: allows responders a better view of the area.
"Exit Response Mode” to show how it takes them back to the incident.
Click here for an instructional video!
NFIRS Incident Basics
Click on an Incident Number to open the incident you wish to work on.
Parts of the Incident page; The tabs on the top of the incident page expand and contract based on the incident type you enter. For example, you will not see the fire tab if you enter an incident type of 300.
The Incident module also does an ongoing incident validation based on NFIRS requirements. These required fields are marked with a RED box around them.
The following is a list of the Basic tab you will see when the incident open:
Incident info – This tab contains the basic incident information of the NFIRS report. It contains the following section on the left menu:
General: Incident Type, Actions Taken (3 total), Station, District, Address Information, Protected Property link, and Caller information. If this is a Louisiana Department, please show them the Knowledge base on how to complete a PIAL Incident. (Click Here to Access)
Property: Property Type, Hazmat Release, Detector Status, and Property Values/Loses
Involved Entities: Civilian parties involved in the incident
MVC/Vehicle Section: Vehicle information and passenger information
Custom Fields: Custom fields can be added to the report if a department wishes to track certain or different things not in the report.
Incident Narrative: Responder's overall narrative of the event
EPR FireWorks Incident reporting module is a place where you can document your NFIRS 5.0 specific reports. In this section, you will learn how to customize your NFIRS 5.0 reports to be department specific and meet your needs from a documentation ...
EPR FireWorks Incident reporting module is a place where you can document your NFIRS 5.0 specific reports. In this section, you will learn how to customize your NFIRS 5.0 reports to be department specific and meet your needs from a documentation ...
Hydrant Module End User Training Layout of Main Page Once you open the hydrant module section, you will see two initial lists; Hydrant Test-List and Hydrant List Hydrant Type-Lists show the hydrants that are assigned to staff members to complete. ...
Back-Office System/Management Tab: Section and Field Overview The Administrative Back Office: Management Tab is the location for setting overall function of the software within the system. Anywhere you see dotted lines "-----" around a box means you ...
Self Taught Lesson Plan In the attachments section below, you can find a downloadable self taught lesson plan that covers incidents web end user, incidents admin setup, investigations web end user, and the investigations admin setup module. Follow ...