MIH Overview

MIH Overview

MIH (Mobile Integrated Health) Overview

The MIH Module is used to give the department the ability to document patient information related to a person who is a frequent patient in the fire department's area.

Inside the MIH Module you have the options for:
  1. Clients- Ability to view  a master list of all clients in the MIH module 
  2. Visits- Ability to view a list of visits that are currently assigned to be completed
  3. Visit Assignments- Ability to assign out visits to personnel lin the department

Client Page

MIH Client page is where you will go to view clients that you have in the MIH module. From this page you can also add new clients into the system. 
To enter a specific client you will click on the client head button of the left side of the screen. 

Once you enter a specific client you will have the options to gather information on:
  1. Personal info
  2. Contact Information
  3. Visits and Visit history
  4. Medications
  5. Activities 

While on the visit page inside a client you can schedule a future visit. 
When scheduling a visit you will be asked to enter the Visit Type, Assigned Staff to the Visit, and Visit Date. The new scheduled visit will then be shown on the Visit page. 

Visit Page

The visit page will be used to view upcoming or previous visits. From this page you can select a visit to enter information or even schedule a new visit. 
Clicking on a specific visit will take you into more details of that visit. 
Inside the visit you will have the following options for gathering information:
  1. Visit Details- Ability to see details related to the current visit
  2. Client Details- Ability to view client demographics and contact information for the client
  3. Visit Treatment- Ability to add in Vitals, assessments, medications, procedures, protocols, and narrative. 
  4. Visit Summary- Ability to track how long you were at a visit, ability to add a signature for the client during the visit. 

Visit Assignments

The visit Assignments section gives the ability to assign out MIH visits to a staff member and also assign out by a due date. 
You can changes assignments individually or in bulk by selecting the visit you wish to change. 

Remember all settings for MIH are found in the Admin Backoffice.