Item Check

Item Check

Item Checks

Item Checks allows for the ability to create maintenance checks on department items that are being tracked by a serial number or department identifier. 
  1. Under the Item check section you will have a list of all department items. You will select the item description to access the specific item check. 
Make sure to select the check type before accessing the maintenance check for that item. 

If the item is highlighted in Red then that means that item is marked out of service.
You will have the ability to check the item in and out of service inside the maintenance check for it. 
  1. Check Type: the Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annual, Annual. 
  2. Check Status: Displays an "X" if there are deficiencies and a " Checkmark " if there is no deficiencies found.
  3. Checked By: will show who completed the item check. 
  4. Last Checked: Date of when item was last checked. 
  5. Next Due: Shows when the due date for the check will occur again.

The following fields are listed under the Item Check section; 
  1. Category- The Maintenance check category (Yellow Box) 
  1. Type of Maintenance- The specific maintenance item being checked (Red Box) 
  1. Ok- If type of maintenance is ok (Pink Box) 
  1. Not Ok- If the type of maintenance is not ok (Pink Box) 
  1. Not Checked- If the type of maintenance was not checked (Pink Box) 
  1. Remarks- Notes or remarks from the type of maintenance you checked (Blue Box) 
  1. Attachments- attachments for the type of maintenance you checked (Orange Box) 

Once you have finished with the Item Check you can submit the check and also email the check to someone. 

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