EPR FireWorks Investigation module is created and based off of NFPA 921. We have made each of the fields in NFPA 921 accessible within the Investigation module.
Creating an Investigation Report
To create a fire investigation report, click on the "helmet and magnifying glass" on the appropriate report.
A message will then appear confirming that you wish to create an investigation report.
Once you click "okay" you will enter the NFPA 921 Investigation.
Layout of the Investigation Report
Tool Ribbon
At the top of the investigation report, there is a tool menu below the module ribbons that provides the user with the following options:
Incident Info regarding the incident type, CAD and Incident Number, and the report status.
Complete Check Mark once the investigation is completed, clicking the single check mark with lock and show the investigation as "Completed."
Attachments Section is where attachments and pictures may be upload for this particular investigation.
Cancel Investigation can be used, permission dependent, to cancel an investigation report if it not needed.
Print Investigation allows the investigation to be printed if need be. The functionality is the same as seen in the NFIRS report with fields only relating to the current investigation.
Email Investigation can be used for both internal and external emailing the investigation report as needed.
Time Tracking can be used to document time spent during the investigation. These can be managed in the admin back-office under "Investigation Settings."
Investigation Info
Within the Investigation Info section, you will find basic details of the report regarding:
Investigation Details
Basic incident details
Number of injuries or deaths
Basic NFIRS Cause and Origin
If the NFIRS report is already completed, this information will be locked and unable to be changed. The investigator must reopen the main NFIRS report and adjust as needed.
Lead Investigator information
Juvenile Involved
Basic fire and smoke information
Investigative Narrative with the ability to copy incident narrative, add time stamp, and save changes.
Determination section is where the investigator can determine the investigation determination and the case status for the current investigation.
Custom Fields can be added to the investigation report to capture additional and custom information for the department.
Investigation Log tracks and records all information that is completed within the investigation report.
Fire Field Notes
In the Fire Field Notes section, the investigator has the ability to document notes about the fire relating from basic details and involved entities to agencies involved.
The Weather can also be brought into the investigation by clicking the " Get Weather" button.
After clicking, the appropriate weather information will be added to the investigation report for in the investigator.
This information is the most accurate within 4 hours of the incident report.
Owner & Occupant information can manually input into this section, or the investigator can can a driver license by using the Driver License Camera or adding from the incident report.
Discovered & Reported parties can be documented here. The same features apply as seen in the Owner & Occupant section.
Additional Entities Involved can also be documented if needed. Here you may add as many additional entities as needed for investigation purposes.
Investigation Initiation is where the investigator can document who the agency was that requested the investigation.
Scene Entry is where the lead investigator can document any authority needed to enter an area where the fire occurred.
Agencies Involved can be tracked in this section ranging from primary fire department involved to LEO and private investigators.
Additional Remarks can be added at any time in this section.
Structure Fire
Property Details relating to structure.
Building Construction about the structure.
Alarm/Protection/Security systems that may be within the structure at the time of the fire.
Conditions Doors/Windows of the structure at the time of the fire.
Fire Department Observations on initial arrival of the structure fire.
Utilities information for the structure.
Additional Remarks
Electrical Panel
Panel information can be documented digitally with the ability to track the name and status of the breakers for both banks for the structure
Casualty Notes
Casualty Notes can be manually entered or copied from the incident report Casualties section.
Description of the casualties and personnel information.
Treatment for the documented casualty.
Fatality Information of where the casualty was found within the structure.
Medical Examiner/Coroner findings can also be documented within the investigation report.
Additional Remarks
Vehicle Inspection Field Notes
Basic vehicle information may be documented for any vehicle fires.
Exterior vehicle infromation can be
Body Panels
Under Hood & Fluids
Interior & Floor
Additional Remarks
Evidence List is where a list of items that are taken as evidence can be seen.
Details allows the investigator to document information regarding the item that is being placed into evidence.
Additional Remarks
Evidence Track shows where the evidence item is stored and who collected the item.
Map View
Map view allows the investigator to view the structure on the map. The investigator may also add map markers to the structure to assist with the investigation by clicking "add" and then "markers."
Signatures may be added to the investigation report by adding the person signing, the name and selecting a disclaimer type.
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