

Inventory Overview

Inventory Module gives the ability to complete an inventory of a apparatus, specific department item, or a assigned item to the staff member. In this overview we will go over options for completing the inventory. 

Inventory Module Layout

Inventory-  List of all apparatus or Warehouses that have an Inventory check for them. These checks can be Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annual, and Annual. 

The inventory sections the following fields:
  1. Date- this will default to the current date. There are forward and backward arrows that allow you to move forward and backward to view previously completed inventory checks. 
  2. Advanced search: Allows you to search by combinations of vehicles and warehouses as well as stations. (Red Box) 
  3. Apparatus/Warehouse  
    1. Apparatus/Warehouse ID:  The ID assigned to active vehicles and warehouses. A blue down arrow will appear beside the ID if remarks have been recorded in the inventory or maintenance modules. (Green Box)
    2.  Unit Status: The currently listed status of the unit. (Blue Box) 
      1. In-Service 
      2. In Reserve 
      3. Out of Service  
  4. Inventory 
    1. Check Status: displays an “X” if there are deficiencies and a “” if no deficiencies are found. 
    2. Checked By: Name of the person who is logged into the system. 
    3. Last Checked: Date of the last completed check. 
    4. Next Due: Next check due for that apparatus/warehouse. 

To access a truck inventory select the Check Type and then click on the 
Apparatus/Warehouse ID 

This will open the inventory check for that vehicle or Warehouse. 

Inside the Inventory Check you have the following Fields:

  1. Item Location: The locations set up when the inventory was built in the Admin Back-office (Green Box)
  2. Item: The name of the item on the apparatus or warehouse (Blue Box)
  3. Serial #:  The serial number assigned to the item if there was one assigned to it in the Back-office.  (Red Box)
  4. Required Quantity: The set quantity of a particular item as defined in the inventory section of the Back-Office (Yellow Box)
  5. Quantity: The current quantity of an item during this check. This number can be increased (+) or decreased (-) using the buttons on either side of the count. (Orange Box)
  6. Expired: The current expiration date of that item if it has a expiration date. (Pink Box)
  7. Edit: This box allows you to update the serial number or expiration date of the item. (Black Box)
  8. Remarks: An area for you to provide comments on an item if necessary. (Brown Box)
  9. Attachments: The paperclip will allow the user the ability to attach a file or take a picture of that item.

Once you have completed the Inventory check at the bottom you can submit the inventory, email the inventory check .

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