Hydrant End User

Hydrant End User

Hydrant Module End User Training

Layout of Main Page

  1. Once you open the hydrant module section, you will see two initial lists; Hydrant Test-List and Hydrant List
    1. Hydrant Type-Lists show the hydrants that are assigned to staff members to complete.
    2. Hydrant Batch Test allows the end user to batch test hydrants
      1. Note: this is only used for the maintenance of hydrants not flow testing
    3. Hydrant List shows the list of hydrants within your system. 
    4. Assignments is used to schedule out hydrant tests.

Below is the hydrant module layout: 
  1. Hydrant class based on NFPA 291 flows
  2. Hydrant number that your department lists
  3. The current test number
  4. Description/Subdivision
  5. Address
  6. Recurring Test Type for the hydrant
  7. Due Date for the hydrant test
  8. Status

If you click the drop down arrow, additional information will be shown:
  1. Station
  2. Shift
  3. Staff Assigned To
  4. Cross Street
  5. Fire District
  6. Water Company
  7. Box
  8. Zone
  9. Last Test 

Click here for an instructional video!

Adding New Hydrants

Within your EPR system, you have several ways to add new hydrants into the system. 

Adding new hydrants to the system is permission based. Not all users can add new hydrants. 

Admin Section

Once you access the administrative section, click on the hydrants module.

Now, enter in the hydrant information.

Click here for an instructional video!

Web End User Section

This can be done in two different places:
  1. Hydrant Lists
  2. Map View
In Hydrant List, click "New Hydrant" button in the top right corner

You will now be prompted to add hydrant information about the new hydrant.

Remember to create a test for the new hydrant if it needs to be flowed and maintained by your department.
Once you create a test, you can then associate a test type with the new hydrant.

Click here for an instructional video!

In the Map View section, you may choose to add a new hydrant by placing the icon on the map by clicking "Add Hydrant" in the low left corner.

Once you click on the map where the hydrant is located, you will receive this box where you can add the hydrant number. 

You will then prompted to add basic hydrant information about the hydrant,

Click here for an instructional video!

Hydrant Flow Test and Maintenance Test

To open an assigned hydrant test, click on the hydrant icon. 

On the left side on the screen, you will have a hydrant menu that displays the sub menus within the hydrant.

At the top of the hydrant test, you will see the Hydrant Test Details for this test and access to the Hydrant Test Log.

About the Hydrant Test Details, you will have basic information about  the test as well as the ability to view the hydrant on the map. 

Once the map is open, clicking on the three dots on the top right corner allows the user to the user to do the following:
  1. Radius- Create a radius around a hydrant for distance calculation.
  2. Ruler- Use the temporary ruler to measure a distance.
  3. Update Location-Update the hydrant location based on GPS, address, or coordinates.
  4. Drag Hydrant- Drag the hydrant to a new location.
  5. ESRI Map- View the hydrant on the ESRI Map if applicable.

Hydrant Details

Basic hydrant information can be documented and updated at any time in this section regarding basic details, address, and more details.


Maintenance information can be stored within the hydrant test. The user may hoover over the icon for a brief description of the icon.

Clicking on the "view history" allows the user to see historical maintenance test information.


Problems found when conducting a hydrant test, they can be documented within the hydrant test. The problem is time stamped and provides the user name, problem found, mark if the hydrant problem was complete and upload attachments if needed. 

Problems, once entered, can be emailed as well to an email address, staff list, or a predefined mailing list. 

Default mailing list for hydrants can be determined in the back office. Management>General>Mailing List.

Flow Test

In the flow test section, the user can enter in the static pressure, the residual pressure, and the pilot pressure. Once this is complete, clicking the calculate button will determine the GPM, 0, 101 and 20 PSI flows. 


General remarks about the hydrant can be documented in the hydrant test. 

Email Report

The user has the ability to email the hydrant report to a staff member or to a mailing list. 

Next Test

The next test is automatically determined by hydrant recurring test type in the back office under settings>hydrant test types. 

Visit Summary

In the visit summary, the time spent for the test can be documented manually or by clicking the calculate button. This will then pull the time down from the timer at the top of the test. 

Click here for an instructional video!

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