View a cancelled ePCR

View a cancelled ePCR

You can view cancelled ePCRs by clicking on the patient number of the search results. Reopening them is done from the desktop admin program.
For viewing on the web version: First, be sure you are searching ePCRs, and have Status: Cancelled option selected in the advanced search.
Then, in the search results double click on the value in the Patient Name column, to enter the specific ePCR:

For viewing and reopening in the admin desktop program: Click in the menu on ePCR-> Follow-Up Patient, and search for the incident. In the results double-click on the desired patient number, to open the ePCR.

Clicking on the "Patient #" will allow you to view the canceled ePCR

If you wish to re-open the ePCR you can select the re-open button.