Guide to Billing and Invoices

Guide to Billing and Invoices

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In the desktop: This will show how to bill for inspection #20290. Looking at the inspection from the Desktop view this is the Island Animal Clinic with a high inspection count. Also, this is classified as a Reinspection.


To Bill and send an invoice, we will use the Mobile app to do so. We will go from the inspection module on the web browser.

After selecting the Animal Clinic, this will take you to the actual inspection. After conducting the inspection, confirm the inspection number. Also, check “Create Bill”.

·         After the “Create Bill” is checked, click “Submit and Confirm” to go to the Billing page.

·         On the Billing page, you will select “Charge” for the actual inspection visit. Be sure to select the Billing description and recipient. Then select “Create Bill”.

·         After creating the bill, you will get a confirmation pop-up. Confirm the fee and approve.

·         This will take you back the billing page where you can view the bill/invoice created.

You also can send an email to the recipient with the invoice attached. If selected, you will see an email confirmation prompt. 


·         You will be able to charge for any previous visits. If you are finished, Select “Back to Home”

·         Invoice and payment: The recipient will receive an invoice by email. Towards the bottom of the invoice will be a link to pay online if your district have this feature.

Clicking on the link will open the web browser to a payment portal.

·         Below is the payment portal. For the clients to submit a payment, they will click on the green bar to open the payment information section.

·         They will enter their card information to submit a payment.


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