Previous release notes

Previous release notes

September Build


Response Mode

SMS send-out list


This is a separate add-on feature. For pricing and additional information, please contact Sales at

In Response Mode, we added an option to send text messages to contacts from the properties near the incident. In addition, you can see which properties are registered with CommunityWorks.

To text contacts within a defined perimeter around the incident, in Response Mode click Nearest Properties. In the Nearest Properties window, click Send SMS to Properties Contacts.

In the new window, set a radius and selet which property contacts should receive text messages. Enter the subject (optional) and message body. When finished, click Send Message.


To select all contacts, check the box at the top of the window. This will select all contacts on the page.  
A new checkbox will appear at the top of the page with the number of contacts in the list.

Check the box to select all contacts×¥



You can now mark Linked Presets as Auto RunAuto Run presets will load them automatically to the scenario.

To set Linked Presets as Auto Run, in the Back-Office, go to ePCR > Settings > ALS Scenario.

Select the scenario from the list. Click Linked Presets on the row of the scenario you selected.

The Presets dialog box will open. In the Auto Run column, mark the presets you want to load automatically.

Load Auto Run presets. In FireWorks ePCR, click Scenario. If you have linked presets marked as Auto Run, you will receive the following message:

Click Yes to load the presets into the appropriate sections.


Report Generator

A new MVC Details option has been added to the Incident Model in the Report Generator, enabling the inclusion of MVC information in Incident reports.

Admin Back-Office 

Inventory and Maintenance

Inventory Check Frequency

You can now define the frequency of your inventory checks. The Inventory Check Frequency button is located to the right of the Move/Copy feature.

To set frequency checks, click Inventory Frequency Check. The Inventory Check Frequency tab will open. Adjust the check frequency as needed. Check types include Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual, and After Use.


Check types appear according to items and apparatuses.

Inventory multi-select

While selecting multiple inventory items, you can sort them by moving them up or down the list.

To sort items during selection, select items and click one from the Selected Items list. Then, use the arrows on the right to change their order.

When finished, click Submit.