Exporting Incidents to the State

Exporting Incidents to the State

EPR FireWorks Incident reporting module is a place where you can document your NFIRS 5.0 specific reports. In this section, you will learn how to customize your NFIRS 5.0 reports to be department specific and meet your needs from a documentation point of view. As an example, you can do the following within your EPR FireWorks System:
  1. Customize NFIRS Lists
  2. Set field requirements and system rules
  3. Manage your mutual/automatic aid agencies and apparatuses
  4. Create plus one codes per incident type
  5. Custom fields and special studies
  6. Add custom links to your response module      

For each and every incident that you encounter, we have a way to track and document all of the NFIRS requirements to ensure a complete and compliant report with no errors when reporting to the state or federal system. As you and your staff begin filling out reports, sometimes you may find yourself wondering what is the right answer to a complicated NFIRS field. Here is a few help tools that can make the reporting process as simple as possible:
  1. NFIRS 5.0 Complete Reference Guide
  2. NFIRS "Coding" Help
  3. State Program Managers
Note: Before your department begins uses your EPR FireWorks system for NFIRS Incident Reporting, ensure with your Project Manager has received your NFIRS migration files, personnel files, and apparatus specifications. If using a CAD or Active 911 integration, ensure that you have discussed the integration process with your Project Manger and provided them with any necessary documentation and contact information. 

Log in to the “Back Office” or “Admin Center.”

  1. Click on “Reports” at the top tab menu.
  2. Click the “NFIRS Reporting” button to open the section
  3. Choose the date range on the reports that you would like to submit. Note: ONLY APPROVED INCIDENTS WILL BE EXPORTED.
  4. Enter the email address that you send the reports to and choose how that file is to be sent.
  5. Typically, “Attach Txt File to Mail.
  6. Pick the incidents that you wish to be exported to the state.
    1.  All incidents
    2. Only for a test

choose which ones you would like to be sent by clicking on the “All Incidents” button.

Click on the Export Button.

Click here for an instructional video!

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