Completion by Uploading External Certificate

Completion by Uploading External Certificate

A copy of this article is available to download below.

This is possible by creating a template in the training module and then making validation by an admin a requirement. Since the validator will have to visually verify and approve the uploaded document. 

On the admin side:
1. Under the Management tab, select Templates from the sidebar, and then ADD TEMPLATE.

2. In the template generator, fill in the fields.
Make sure to select the certificate you want this course to count for (the + sign next to Related Certificates)

Make sure that you check "Supervisor Validation" under "Approval Required", and leave a note to the participant with clear instructions.
When you're done, press Save.

3. Then, open your Calendar, select a time slot, and add an Activity.

Then, select the Template that you've created.

You can then Add Staff to the activity

For this demonstration, I selected Benjamin from our team.
When done, press the check mark on the top right.

Press Save (pressing Save & Done would mark the activity as completed)

4. The activity will appear on the participant's calendar, where they can select it, then press Play.

The participant will then upload the certificate (Paper clip sign - turns green once files are attached) and press Sign As Done.

The activity is now pending validation.

5. On the Admin side
Under the Admin Center tab, select Validation on the sidebar.
Then, toggle the arrow next to the activity name to view the list of participants who've completed the activity, and open the Details.

There you can open the attachment.

Once the requirements have been satisfied, you can close it, and click the Validate button.