CAD/Active 911 Information

CAD/Active 911 Information

Computer Aided Dispatched (CAD)

If your department has purchased a CAD integration, please reach out to your Project Manager with the following information:
  1. CAD provider that your department uses
  2. Send an introduction email to your Dispatched Center Introducing EPR FireWorks are your new RMS provider.
Once the introduction has been completed, Our CAD will handle the rest of the integration! Your Project Manager will reach out back to you once your CAD feed is up and running.

However, your EPR FireWorks system will still a little bit of work. Ensure that your department's apparatuses have the correct CAD Unit Description. If your department operates with two different CAD Systems, you have to ability to document a second CAD Unit Description. 

Active 911 Integration

For departments that use Active 911, follow these steps to begin the integration into your FireWorks System.
  1. Log into Active 911 as a System Administrator
  2. Add a new device
    1. Ensure to the follow the document below for settings up a new device
  3. Once the account has been created in your Active 911 account, email your Project Manager. They will then send you an email address that will go into the Active 911 account
  4. Once the email address has been added, notify your Project Manger that the device and email have been added

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