Archiving Training Assignments Templates

Archiving Training Assignments Templates

To archive a training assignment Template.
  1. On the top ribbon menu select the Training tab
  2. Select the Management section of the Training Module.
  3. The select the Assignments section
If you do not see the management section, contact your administrator for access permission.

  1. On the Assignment Template you wish to Archive, select the three dot menu 
  2. Now select Delete

After selecting Delete, you will receive this pop-up notification

If you already have a class created or have used the template in the past, the system will Archive it.  Otherwise, it will permanently Delete it

To reopen an Archived template for use again.
  1. On the top ribbon menu select the Training tab
  2. Select the Management section of the Training Module.
  3. The select the Assignments section
  4. Click on the slider button " Show Archive"

5. Select the Three Dote menu 
6. Select Restore

7.  The template will now be returned to the main page for use.