EPR FireWorks Incident reporting module is a place where you can document your NFIRS 5.0 specific reports. In this section, you will learn how to customize your NFIRS 5.0 reports to be department specific and meet your needs from a documentation point of view. As an example, you can do the following within your EPR FireWorks System:
Customize NFIRS Lists
Set field requirements and system rules
Manage your mutual/automatic aid agencies and apparatuses
Create plus one codes per incident type
Custom fields and special studies
Add custom links to your response module
For each and every incident that you encounter, we have a way to track and document all of the NFIRS requirements to ensure a complete and compliant report with no errors when reporting to the state or federal system. As you and your staff begin filling out reports, sometimes you may find yourself wondering what is the right answer to a complicated NFIRS field. Here is a few help tools that can make the reporting process as simple as possible:
Note: Before your department begins uses your EPR FireWorks system for NFIRS Incident Reporting, ensure with your Project Manager has received your NFIRS migration files, personnel files, and apparatus specifications. If using a CAD or Active 911 integration, ensure that you have discussed the integration process with your Project Manger and provided them with any necessary documentation and contact information.
To access the Administrative side of Incident setting, follow these steps:
Once you have logged into your database,
click on your name in the upper right corner of the main
Click the “Admin Login” button to access the Administrative Back Office.
The first section that you should see is the Incident tab.
Now click the “Incident Settings”
If you are unable to access the incident settings, you will need to access permissions for
your account and enable the incident settings.
Click here for an instructional video!
How to manipulate Custom NFIRS Lists
Once you are in the Incident Settings and “Custom NFIRS List” section, you will be able to choose a table from the dropdown menu.
Once the table is opened, you can use the check mark box to determine what table items you want to be shown or be hidden from personnel.
You also can rename the description and add comments to the description.
These lists can also be sorted by the “most used.” The system will see these patterns and show the most used codes at the top of the list for the end user.
The list can also be reordered to the original list by clicking the “reset sort order" button.
Once you are finished editing the lists, clicking the exit button will save the data.
Click here for an instructional video!
How to create Incident Custom Fields
Once you are in the Incident Settings and “Incident Custom Fields” section,
Now, you can add the topic of the custom field that you want to create. The blank box acts as a “new button” where you can begin typing the topic.
Note: Any time you see a dotted line in the back-office, it means this is a field you can click on and input addition data.
Exit to save your information and come back into the custom field section.
Click the "new button" and you will then be able to input the first item that you would like to capture in the custom field section.
Determine how you would like to capture the information: The following field types are available for you to select from.
Text box
Note: If you choose to use the list, a second box will appear at the bottom of the screen.
You may also capture a second piece of information in the subfield section. Here you also have the same options to capture the information as in the primary field section.
If you have more than one custom field, you can adjust the order on how they will appear.
The active box allows you to pick if the field will appear on the incident report or not.
The validation section allows you to determine if the field will either be “not required,” a “warning,” or an “error.”
If you choose to use the validation section, you may also choose when the validation will start by picking a date.
Click here for an instructional video!
Adding Mutual Aid Agencies
When you first select the Mutual Aid Agencies you will land on the "current list".
This list shows the current list that your members must select from. The on the far right side allow you to delete a department and place them back to the “Add from Master Agency List.”
Below the “Current list,” there is an “Add from Master Agency List”, this is where you can search for departments that you need to add to the "Current list".
Click here for an instructional video!
Adding Mutual Aid Apparatuses
This section is preferred for departments that have a CAD feed where mutual/automatic aid departments are sent with the department CAD information.
For those departments, input the apparatus CAD Unit ID in the “Description” section.
For departments that do not have CAD or CAD does not send mutual/automatic aid apparatuses, you can still use this section to track them.
The apparatuses and times will need to be input manually in the report.
The “Fire Department ID” is where you can associate the department with the apparatus.
You can also fill out the "Primary Use", "Apparatus type", and the Total "number of personnel". The number of personnel can always be changed during the report process.
Click here for an instructional video!
Adding Incident PPE
In the incident PPE section, the department can determine if there are any pieces of PPE that they want to track that their members used while on calls.
To add the this list, click the “new button” in the filter section.
From here you can create an item that you would like to track.
Give the Item a Description
Determine if this Item will be active or not active
You can document a price per PPE item
Set the Master Item Type to PPE
If the is selected, it will appear in the NFIRS incident report.
Click here for an instructional video!
Creating Custom Incident Reminders
This sections allows a custom reminder to be created that will show up in the reports “details” section during the report validation process.
Simply, begin typing in the blank box and the reminder will be added into the report when you click "Save".
That is all that is required.
Click here for an instructional video!
Adding external links to response mode.
Response mode links allow the users to have access to outside helpful system links without having to leave the program.
Included are the CAMEO Chemicals Database and Toxic Substances
Add a description of the link and paste the link of the website.
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